Refuse collection trucks are known to drive in the heart of cities where many families live. Some truck owners have installed the LPG Dual Fuel to reduce the Particulate Matter and other green house gases to leave the air we breath cleaner.
The K-Value readings in VRT stations have proved that smoke opacity values have drastically reduced damaging emissions.
There are many Diesel engine Heavy Road Vehicles on the road which constantly pollute Malta's air but a few responsible owners have installed the Dual Fuel system to reduce their emissions while benefiting from lower fuel costs and better engine performance.
These are vehicles that are not registered for road use but none the less use diesel as their energy source. They are used all day long on various sites around Malta, producing enormous amounts of toxic fumes in the air we breath.
The rationale for establishing emission standards for non-road engines is that they are a significant source of pollution. The non-road engines also emit air pollution particles at much higher rates.
The emission standards are based on the engine classifications and should be regulated by the last amendment Directive 2012/46/EU.
In Europe, the regulations are specifically clarified on the mobility by using the term "non-road mobile machinery" (NRMM).